Afternoon at the rea botanical garden
The monthly meetings dedicated to the knowledge of pollinating insects and their importance in the balance of our ecosystem continue. The meetings are organized as part of the “More Flowers to Bee happy” project, conceived and created by the “Amici del Giardino Botanico Rea” Association, with the support of the CRT Foundation. Other partners of the Project are the Aspromiele Piemonte Association and the Bucaneve di Trana Association:
– at 3.00 pm Workshop for children and families (and interested adults), to learn how to build hotels for pollinating insects, discover an educational beehive and the hotels already installed in the Rea Botanical Garden; finally, it is possible to visit the educational exhibition “Domestic bees and wild bees. Learn more to talk more about it ”, on the world of bees and other pollinating insects, housed in the teaching room;
– at 4.30 pm Guided tour of the Garden.
The two activities, guided tour and workshop, are included in the admission ticket and are organized by the volunteers of the “Friends of the Rea Botanical Garden” Association. Reservation on the phone number 339 5341172.
Those who want to visit the Botanical Garden independently do not have to book. In this regard, we remind you that there is the Tree Path, which describes over 20 species of trees, by reading the QRCode on the label with the phone.
In the conference room there is the exhibition of botanical watercolors “Attimi di gioia” by Gianna Tuninetti. It is also possible to purchase the volume “Colors and flavors from the world” with the watercolors by Gianna Tuninetti and the descriptions on plants and botanical curiosities by Maria Teresa Della Beffa.