
SiamoTerraViva – workshop at the Certosa1515

A seminar on the most important issues on the table today, between experts on the climate crisis and environmental, social and economic repercussions and representatives of movements, associations or even individual activists who, in various capacities, are engaged in ecological conversion actions.

From 24 to 26 November 2023 we invite you to the SiamoTerraViva event, three days of in-depth analysis to take stock of the situation on the crucial and much debated issues of the climate crisis and its environmental, social and economic repercussions today.


The topics addressed will be multiple, as are the interconnected facets of the environmental and social crisis of our times: eco-mafias, agriculture, environmental migrations, work, public health, role of movements and NGOs, ecofeminism, economy, spirituality. Group work, moments of discussion and debate between speakers and participants will allow critical issues and potential to emerge, possible solutions and directions to be taken for a true ecological conversion.


To guide us in the debate on these issues, speakers of undisputed professionalism and competence from the academic world, professionals and representatives of organizations that have always been at the forefront on these issues will intervene: Club of Rome-Fondazione Aurelio Peccei, Good Land, Legambiente, Libera, Atlante delle Guerre and Conflicts in the World, 46th Parallel Association, Maccacaro Health Fighting Movement, A Sud Association, Alex Langer Eco-Institute of Mestre. Furthermore, there will be no shortage of testimonies from activists, trade unionists, associations and other actors engaged on the front line on socio-environmental issues on a daily basis.

Contacts and reservations: tel. 342.3850062  –   mail  –


24 Nov 2023


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