Activities for children
Carnival at market
On the occasion of the carnival there will be an afternoon of celebration at the market of Campagna amica di Avigliana in Piazza del Popolo. The event will take place from 3 to 4.30 pm and will be organized by the partnership of the Bis, Good, inclusive, sustainable project led by Conisa Valle Susa with Coldiretti as a green company in collaboration with the Municipality of Avigliana: for the occasion, the “Il Sogno di una cosa” cooperative, which collaborates on various projects also with the Avigliana library, together with the boys of the Territorial Inclusion Sites, will offer readings, workshops for younger children and games for adults and children.
It will also be an opportunity to promote and talk about the Bis project, thanks to which all participants will be offered a snack prepared by the Exeat social cooperative society of Chieri based on mulled wine, hot herbal teas, lies and cornmeal pastries from the farm on Brusafer, partner of the project: the event is part of the carnival events of the Campagna amica markets that are taking place throughout Italy from this weekend