Special Move week
Move week is the European week that promotes physical activity to achieve well-being.
Wednesday 24 May: Nordic walking open day with the Iride association at the Parco Alveare verde corso Laghi 100, from 4.30 pm
Thursday 25 May : Open Day organized by the Dragonesse association: from 2.30pm to 5pm
you can paddle on the Dragon Boat on the Great Lake of Avigliana, Corso Laghi 292
Friday 26 May: Mini Athletics Olympics for primary school youth organized by the 4 Fun sports team Avigliana association at the sports facility in via Suppo 10 starting at 5pm
Saturday 27 May
Open day organized by the Avigliana Sailing Center: from 3 to 7 pm rowing, sailing, kayaking, Sup on the Great Lake Corso Laghi 282
Open day at the Avigliana Nautical Club: from 3 to 7 pm with tests and demonstrations of water skiing and wakeboarding, corso Laghi, 420
Horse riding open day at the Scuderia Esse association: knowledge of the activity and its benefits, of the animals and the surrounding environment. From 10 to 12 and from 15 to 18 in via Monte Capretto 17