Material culture
Sardinian exiles and the risorgimento
As a cultural association engaged in the area, Circularly has also joined the Patto per la Lettura proposed by the municipal administration. In collaboration with Amici di Avigliana and Anpi Avigliana, organized for Wednesday 22 February at 20.45 (in the premises of the Primo Levi civic library in via IV Novembre 19) the presentation of the volume “Exiles and migrants in the Sardinian kingdom. For a social and political history of the Risorgimento”.
Ester de Fort, president of the Turin Committee of the Institute for the History of the Italian Risorgimento, analyzes the action of the Sardinian government, between welcome and repression, towards the arrival of tens of thousands of exiles in the Kingdom of Sardinia, in the decade following the revolutions of the decade 1848/49