photo exhibition “FOMNE CONTRA’L TAV”
Saturday 4 June 5.00 pm inauguration of the photographic exhibition “FOMNE CONTRA’L TAV” (Women against the TAV) Partisans of the Earth and the Future. The exhibition, created with the patronage of the Montana Valle Susa Union and the City of Almese, continues the rich exhibition program of the Ricetto per l’Arte – Agorà della Valsusa – for 2022 with the events of the second edition of “L’Arte of R-existing on the Paths of Freedom ”.
The exhibition on Women No Tav carries on the project strongly desired by the Cumalè Cultural Association – Agorà della Valsusa together with the municipal administration of Almese, started in previous years with the interactive emotional exhibition “Morpho, red butterfly” against violence against women and that of the photographer Valeria Fioranti “Strong Women” on the marginal women of Valsusa who with strength, passion and endurance carry out a very hard work and at the same time contribute to the care and preservation of the territory.