
Milonga – biodanza and milonga at the Ricetto of Almese

On Saturday 14 September the Valsusa Agora, given the great success achieved in July of the 4th Edition of the MILONGA AL CHIARO DI LUNA, will double at 8.30pm with a new evening dedicated to Tango organized in synergy by the Cumalè Cultural Association, the Aires Association Nuevos with the masters Anna and Ale, with the patronage of the Municipality of Almese.

The square in front of the Ricetto illuminated by the warm light of the street lamps and the moon, will once again bring to life the magical atmosphere, reminiscent of that of the squares of Buenos Aires, people will dance until midnight to the musical selection of traditional and nuevo tango by Alessandro Guerri.

Some new features characterize the 2024 edition: in the rooms of the Ricetto the photographic exhibition “The Milonga of the Thirteenth Moon”, one hundred images by the excellent photographers Sergio Giunipero and Potito Amarena, while inside the Tower the pictorial works dedicated to the Tango of the artists are exhibited: Piergiorgio Cerrato, Claudio Cullino, Manuela Facchin, Mauro Mossino, Ambretta Rossi, Valentina Rossi, Luigi Sgrò and the exhibition of tango dresses made by Rosetta Crea; on September 14th in the late afternoon, Biodanza e Cristalli practice open to all, even to those who have no dance experience, guided by the friendliness and experience of Mauro Mossino, biodanza teacher,  Anna Cervasio and Alessandro Capellaro, holistic energetic operators certified in Crystal Therapy, Phytotherapy, Reiki Master, as well as passionate tangueros.

The event is free with free admission

For informations: associazione Culturale Cumalè 3289161589 o



14 Sep 2024


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