
harmonie d’étoiles – art exhibition and performance at the Ricetto of Almese

The Ricetto per l’Arte – Agorà della Valsusa – of Almese invites you to the event: “Harmonie d’étoiles” – art exhibition and poetic performance.

With Sara Valle original texts, vocal improvisation and interpretation, staging and pictorial works; Marco Simonetta sound improvisation, musical interventions on the synthesizer; Raffaella Carrera musical performances on the violin; Federico Sgarzi visual art.

Poetic readings taken from the collections: “To the moon and other sacred creatures” and “Ballads for sad days”

4.00pm – 6.30pm (performance at 5.00pm)

For further information: associazione Culturale Cumalè 3289161589 o


14 Jul 2024


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