Activities for children
Fabulous Saturdays at the library
After the excellent success of the show “Prezzemolina and the three witches”, the musical fairy tale curated by the Goitre Center returns to the library on Saturday 1 February 2024 at 10.30 am with the director Lorella Perugia, Arianna Taretto and Francesca Musina who will read and sing together . The story, told and sung, will be followed by a practical-creative workshop for all the little participants.
The other meetings of the Fabulous Saturdays in February include Saturday 8th a workshop with Riccardo Maria Degiovanni entitled “Bullyteca”, Saturday 15th “Space Games” and Saturday 22nd “Owls and owls”, both curated by Alessandra Biglietti.
For info and reservations: “Primo Levi” civic library, via IV November 19 0119769180 –