drawing art in Ranverso
For “Let’s draw the art” at the Precettoria di Sant’Antonio di Ranverso we go in search of moods: thanks to the variety of artistic expressions we look for faces that can be reproduced from life. “The faces of Ranverso” is not only a copying operation, but it is also a sort of image hunt starting from the indications of the expressions that are depicted in both stone and painted faces.
Duration of activity: 1 hour and 30 minutes
The activity costs 5 euros + the cost of the entrance ticket
(full: 5 euros, reduced: 4 euros)
The following are entitled to a reduction: under 18, over 65, groups (min.15 people)
Up to 6 years old and holders of a museum pass: free admission ticket
Reservations are required and must be made by the previous Friday