Theater & Movie
dangerously close – cineventi 2024
In the Trentino Val di Sole, bear sightings are no longer unlikely. Since 2003, to save the few surviving bears from extinction, the autonomous province of Trento, with European funding, has started a repopulation project carried out with the release of some specimens from Slovenia. With the increase in bears, however, encounters between large and very strong carnivores and humans have also increased, sometimes favored by the very wrong practice of letting the animals find food. In 2023, the killing of a twenty-six year old runner at the hands of the JJ4 bear, deemed dangerous yet still at large, sparked the media debate about the opportunity and possibility of coexistence between men and bears in our Alps. It was a tragedy for both parties involved, humans and animals. It is with this statement that the documentary gains interest, after a prologue with a distinctly television language. Everyone will have space, in the film, to express their reasons, because these reasons exist, they are real; both those of the inhabitants of the inhabited areas that border the woods and of animal rights activists, who remember that the world does not belong only to man and should not become so. Finally, two voices remain silent, but theirs is a silence that speaks, and they are those of Andrea Papi and the bears, whose thoughts, for different reasons, and with all the distinctions involved, we will never know.
6.30pm and 9.15pm
Ticket service on site
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